Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live Your Best Life: Step 2

Once you get through the understanding that you are indeed responsible for everything you have done, decided and are in this life, before today, the next step is to define your purpose.  Doesn't that word feel astoundingly big in a Godzilla-is-eating-the-city way?  Purpose.  It sort of sits there and you think to yourself, "I don't effing know what my purpose is.  That's what I have you for".  Yes, I've heard that a lot!  When you think about "your purpose" it feels sort of suffocating to some.  It did for me.  Well, that was until I realized that your purpose is actually quite simple, but what you do with it can evolve over time.  Once you understand that, finding your "purpose" doesn't seem all that terrible, restricting and defining.  However, once you understand your purpose it actually is the best thing you can know about yourself.  It helps to provide direction and get you well on your way to living a life that is more aligned with your soul.   At first it feels scary to reveal that side of yourself, but then it is a freedom and once you start using it your life seems to fall into place so much easier than you ever thought was possible.  One of the even greater parts?  When you act with your purpose the world benefits, too, because you automatically and without thought will help others.


You were born with this really great ability to know if you are on track with your life or not.  Want to know what that is?  It's one word.  Joy.  You will know if you are off track with your purpose by the amount of joy that you are experiencing.  The things that bring you the most joy are aligned with your purpose.  How freakin great is that?  It's not some fufu stuff either.  It's the real deal.  It's true!  Let's go over a few exercises to try and hone in on your purpose.

1.  Make a list of the times that you felt the most joyful and alive.
2.  What are the common elements of these experiences?
3.  Can you figure out a way to make a living doing these things?

These are exercises that I DO use in helping my clients.  The best part of meeting with my clients?  When they walk in wanting one thing only to figure out that all this time they weren't aligned with their purpose and had really wanted something else.  They leave feeling baffled and free at the same time.  I usually sip on wine and smile as I watch them go with thoughts swirling around their head like someone just beat them with a knowledge stick, and a whole new world has just opened to them.


1.  List two of your unique personal qualities such as enthusiasm and creativity.  When I had to do this very thing I listed Empath (I totally am!) and No-nonsense Lifestyle.  If you have trouble, think of what your friends would say about you if they were asked.

_____________________________ & _______________________________  You can list more than 2, but for some it can be hard to do even that!

2.  List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities with others, such as to support and inspire.  I listed writing and empower.

_______________________________ & _________________________.

3.  Assume the world is perfect right now.  What does it look like?  How is everyone interacting with each other?  What does it feel like?  Write your answer in the present tense as if it was happening right now as a statement, as you see it and feel it.  Example:  Everyone is freely expressing their own unique talents.  Everyone is working in harmony.  Everyone is expressing love.

4.  Combine the 3 prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.  Example:  My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and creativity to support and inspire others to freely express their talents and in a harmonious and loving way.

Once you have determined your life purpose, write it down and keep it somewhere that you can see it every day.  When you get up in the morning remember it and say it to yourself.  Doing this starts to reprogram your brain back to where it belongs; on task with your soul.  For a very long time many of us have been programmed to believe we are to do things "this way" or we get caught up in apathy.  Apathy is easy to do when that is all you know and especially if you have had trouble creating and completing goals.  Keeping a statement of your purpose with you and around you where you can see it, and repeating it to yourself, will start to remove the mask that you have worn for more than likely your entire life.  Before you know it, you will have synchronicities that I call "pings" start to show up in your life and you will automatically know this is on task with your purpose.  Again, I know it sounds fufu, but it happens and when it does it ain't so fufu anymore, so trust me.  You will go from having no purpose, to writing down a purpose, using it as a mantra, and then things will start to show up in your life that are undoubtedly for you and a nudge from the Universe telling you "you did it!  You came back".  You will then call me or email me and say I was right, and I will sip my wine and smile again.  Maybe my next goal needs to be not drinking so much wine.  Nah!  Can't be.  That's just crazy talk.

Til next time!

Info about Skinny Fiber:  Weight loss is my goal!

You're a Life Coach and you peddle Skinny Fiber

I always love those statements.  Sometimes, instead, it comes out as a question like a test.  I'm not phased.  Why?  Because most of my clients say the same thing, "I want to lose weight.  I feel like if I can FINALLY lose some weight I can do ____".  I know what that feels like.  I was there in their very shoes.  However, my first course of action is never "well take this product".  Some of my clients need it and some of them don't.  When I sit down with them and go over their goals, I try to go deeper into what really prevents them from doing things and I try to work on that first.  Most every time that very problem, when you get to the root of all evil, is worth and fear.  Every single time.  It's actually all our number 1 problems.  Otherwise, we would not get stuck.  We would move forward without a blink of an eye courageously.  Once I work on those issues, whatever they may be, I try to decipher what it is that they have already tried and what they are willing to do.

I want to be pretty clear and blunt.  3 of the 5 people that I'm coaching right now for weight loss and worth issues have come to me as a last resort before surgery.  They have been very beat down by the process of losing weight coupled with feelings of the inability to actually lose weight, because they have tried and failed over and over again.  It is really about them and what has happened.  I know all too well exactly how they feel, because I am absolutely 100% addicted to food.  Food is my crack.  It does not make a bit of difference that I'm a life coach at all, because food is a "thing" that has been very hard to overcome for a myriad of reasons until the last year when I finally did find Skinny Fiber.  It was then that I was able to see some success and to finally feel like my cravings were taken away.  I am very honest about my issues with food and my chronic fight with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  I do NOT and have never put my name on anything like this before.  Because I have been successful in losing weight and breaking the cycle, is why I decided to get involved with that company even before I became a life coach.  Even then, I had my friends try it after me and they too had success and we were able to support each other.

Issues with food are extremely difficult to get over.  I've even read in some places that it is the equivalent to getting off of heroin.  There are times when we simply need help and have to be willing to ask for help long enough for us to get out of our way.  It comes from a place of desperation.  When you are able to have the constant cravings stop and then are able to stick with a new diet regimen which then leads to seeing successful results?  It's such an amazing thing.  It finally gives you some hope.  Skinny Fiber for many people puts a wrench into the cycle so that a new cycle can take place.  Not everybody will need it.  Not everyone will want it.  I never shove it down anybody's throat whatsoever, but I offer it as a tool if they want to try it given where they are at in their journey.

1 out of 3 people are considered obese in this country now.  1 out of 3!  That's mind boggling and that is a lot of people out there beaten down and saddened that they can't get control of their cravings and have any will power.  That can be an endless cycle of torture for so many and I know, because I was one.  Truth be told, if it wasn't for Skinny Fiber I don't know that I would've gotten out of my own way.  Before I threw my scale out after losing 12 lbs. in my first month, I knew I was onto something.  I had a whole lot to live for and I had skills to really and truly help other people.  I was always fixing other people's lives for them in clear effective ways and Skinny Fiber gave me the tools to do the very thing for myself that I was so ashamed I could not do for years.  Consequently, because of that, I was able to start to follow my dream of doing exactly what I am doing now.

Do I coach all people related to weight loss?  No.  I have two other clients who want to write their first cookbook and How-To guide, and one wants to open his first ever small business working in graphic design with a trip to Africa.  Sometimes, the goals are very different, but it seems that I attract people to me who were just like me, fighting the good fight against food.  The results have been amazing.  I have never been so blessed in all of my life to be a part of watching others succeed!  I also never knew that I could be so happy getting up every single day to do a job that doesn't feel like work and I owe all of that to Skinny Fiber.  It became my business and allowed me to grow a new one (life coaching) where I get to help others every single day.  Life does not get any better than that.

Need help in setting goals and reaching them?  Contact me!

Want information about Skinny Fiber?  I got you.  I want to change my life today

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Live Your Best Life: Step 1

Hi everybody!  As with anything new there is always a need to start somewhere.  No matter what your goal is (losing weight, better job, career, love, money), you have to get really clear first about who you are.  When I say that I mean there is really no way to attain anything that you want into your life without first accepting responsibility completely and totally for yourself, all that you have done before this very day.  If you can blame anyone at all for any aspect of your life then you will be hard pressed to meet any goal at all....ever.  Blaming someone else or an event is essentially giving away the power that you have to change and take charge of your life and in what direction it will go.  That is an untruth that you've told yourself and it is high time to knock that the hell off.

You must:
1.  Take 100% responsibility of your life, everything you experience, achievements, results, quality of your relationships, health and fitness, income, debts and feelings.  That's right!  All of THAT.

- YOU ate the junk food.
- YOU didn't say no.
- YOU took that job.
- YOU stayed at the job.
- YOU believed them.
- YOU abandoned your dream.
- YOU bought it.
- YOU didn't take care of it.
- YOU decided to do it alone.
- YOU trusted him/her.
- YOU ignored your gut.
- YOU decided to do something else.
- YOU decided to take care of them and not you.
- YOU decided to watch TV instead.

You have to get real clear and understand that your life, everything in it, around it and thought about it is about you.  It always is.  Every time.  Without fail.  Even when you blame someone else or a thing that is still about you.  It's your response.

2.  STOP looking outside of yourself for results/answers that YOU want.  Nothing outside of you is going to EVER give you a result, because ALL results come from within you.  Let's also be real honest with ourselves.  No one OUT THERE will ever want the things that you want for yourself as much as you.  They just won't and they can't.  They aren't in your skin or in your head or heart to understand.  They have their own agendas.  That is not a bad thing to know.  Sure, there are people who care about you and want to see you succeed, but ultimately the "want" for something is about you.  Once you really get that, you can empower yourself.  It's wonderful to have support along the way and you should!  But ultimately, all of the answers you need reside in you and so does all actions necessary to do what you want to do.  All of it.

3.  By acknowledging that you created everything around you and within you, you can then uncreate it and start fresh, meaning the pieces that are not giving the joy and satisfaction that you really daydream about.  This is hard for some to do.  No one wants to look at their life and actively say "I allowed that", "I did that", "I said that", "I took that course", "I didn't listen to".  Nobody, especially when it is a new concept to understand.  It goes against our ego to assume responsibility for our actions, thoughts and decisions.  It really does!  But if it worked?  You wouldn't be reading this right now.  You wouldn't for a second think "I wonder what this crazy blond broad has to say".  There is something in you that wants to do more, be more, and accept more into your life and you haven't been as successful as you would like to be. That's exactly why.

My story:  A day or two after my marriage broke up, which feels like eons ago now, I can pinpoint the exact day that some of these principles floated into my head.  I didn't really get it yet, but it was the first time that I started to understand on my own.  I was sitting on the back step after having just let my dog out to go to the bathroom.  For some reason I watched him sniff here, sniff there, walk around in a circle 5 times like he was chasing his tail, decide to stop doing that and then go somewhere else to do the same damn thing when it hit me; "my dog will take more time to find a good spot to poop then I do to make decisions about my life".  It was so true too!  It took him a good 3 minutes just to find the "right" spot to poop in and here I was sitting on the back porch having just left my marriage, he moved out and the whole process took a second.  I never even gave it a thought.  I just acted.  He was gone.  Clothes were gone.  Kids were with him right at that minute and I literally had no one to blame for any of it.  Nobody.  I reacted so quickly out of a place of frustration and resentment like I was deciding to walk to the end of the block and back, but here my dog is really trying to find the exact perfect place to poop.  Look, I never said it was going to be perfect.  hahahaha The way in which we receive these splinters of understanding of our power don't necessarily come in a bow to the front door with a tag that says "read this.  It's going to be witty, insightful and you will be so consumed with love and wonder that you'll write your autobiography about it to millions".  Sometimes, it literally comes in the form got it....poop.  And you never forget it.

You have control over only three things in your life:
1)  The thoughts you think.
2)  The images that you visualize.
3)  The actions you take.

How you use these three things determines everything you experience.  So, I ask you today to sit and think about how and why you are where you are today.  Go back over big points in your life that seemed to change how you looked at things and ask yourself "did I change for the better?  What did I learn?  How am I now better from that experience?"  A lot of us get hung up on our lives and the experiences we have had in a way that is negative and limits us, but by actively acknowledging how we have grown from it, what made us better and how we can use that to our advantage you can start to change the process about how we view experiences and our reactions/responses.  It offers us a chance to know that life allows us to grow even when we feel completely and totally beat down, and that?  That is how we get stronger, empowered and evolve into everything we want and are meant to be.  It all starts with you.  You are so much more than you could ever know.  Isn't it time that you find out who that person is?  How great you are and what you have to offer to the world?  It is.   Make that time now.  Take stock of your life and realize your power.  It will be the greatest gift you ever give yourself.

Image credit:

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Skinny Fiber

I am asked a lot in my personal life how I have been losing weight.  Yes, Skinny Fiber is what started all of this for me, however, it is not the only thing it has done for me.

Let me explain this first.  I had been gaining a lot of weight over the last 3 years.  I can even tell you how much, 40 lbs.  It is a lot of weight on my frame.  I could feel every last ounce of it, too.  Somehow, on Facebook, I ended up following  a woman who had all of these crazy recipes and it happened to be that she was using Skinny Fiber.  I did look.  Curious minds, and all.  And truthfully?  I thought it was an absolute scam.  hahahaha I really did.  I brushed that off instead of listening to my gut.  I didn't look back into it for 2 more months.  My IBS was killing me.  I was getting heavier and my bowel function was awful.  Anyone with IBS knows how that works, I don't even need to explain it.  I was bloated all of the time and it was painful to eat 90% of the time.  I couldn't take it anymore.  My doctor suggested that I take digestive enzymes and to change up my diet.  Digestive enzymes sounded like a lab experiment and changing my diet felt like torture, but it needed to be done.  And then?  That lady's site popped back up and she was yet again talking about Skinny Fiber.  This time I looked at it again and it had not only fiber in it, but digestive enzymes.  It had exactly what my doctor was telling me to use, so I ordered it.

By the end of the first week I had lost 7 lbs.  I was shocked.  I did not change up my diet much at all and I didn't even notice at the time, which is shocking, that my IBS symptoms were disappearing.  I wasn't bloated or backed up!  Like whaaaaa?, is what I said to myself.  I kept taking it just like it says to on the bottle.  I managed to lose 12 lbs. in one month.  However, I also changed up my diet slowly because truth be told, I didn't want the junk food at all anymore.  I wasn't craving junk at 10 at night when I was lying in bed, either.  It was helping me to systematically stay on a good diet and because I was losing weight, it was helping me stay motivated to continue.  I had to ditch my scale though, because it was driving me nuts.  I realized that I was getting on that thing entirely too much and it was driving me crazy.  So I threw it out.  What I can say is that I am still losing weight, my diet is getting better and better, I am starting to exercise daily now, and I have yet to have any issues with my bowels.  So for that?  It is worth its weight in absolute gold.  I have finally put on a pair of jeans for the first time that I was unable to wear in over a year.  It's great.

I never thought a product like this could change my life and it has.  For me to say that is a big thing.  It really is.  I'm not a person to believe in these products at all.  Well, I didn't used to be.  I thought "you have to work really hard and eat like a rabbit, run a million miles per week and that is who you lose weight".  It was daunting.  I now know that I don't have to suffer and that this product has helped me regain my life.  The little "win's" I have been experiencing with not only weight loss, but with feeling great again, free of IBS symptoms, has been a great motivation.  I only wish that I didn't wait so long to do it.

You can order here & start your 90 day Challenge!  What do you have to lose?  If it doesn't work you can return the product for a full refund, but don't you deserve to give yourself 90 days to become who you always wanted to be?  The time is going to pass anyway.  :-)  Plus, you will have me as your coach!  Free!

Click here to get started!  Yes, I want to change my life in 90 days

About Memoirs of a Dreamer, books 1 & 2

I am often asked what my books are about, so I thought that I would share it in a post.

SERIES SUMMARY:  I've never had so much fun writing a story like I have with these.  It is about a woman named Jenna who realizes that she is a star seed implanted into the original Jenna years before, and that she is able to come in and out of her body, returning to her alien form as Lasayla.  Lasayla is an incarnated Spirit Realm warrior sent for the sole purpose of fighting against the only known man who gave away his divinity and steals the souls of the broken by harnessing the power of negative consciousness.  Not only is he the most dangerous man to have ever lived, but Lasayla has seeded into Jenna's body to scout Earth only to lose all of her memory and her mission.  He's coming for her whether she is ready or not, and she will have to find out who she is before he does.

Memoirs of a Dreamer, Book 1, Jenna Frey

Memoirs of a Dreamer, Book 2, Jennifer Benson

UPCOMING INFO:  Book 1 is soon to be updated.  It was the first piece I had ever worked on and completed, so it has been my baby.  Finishing that book has given me so much joy that I seriously can't even begin to express how much it has done for me to complete this project.  It took 4 years of back and forth writing until it finally was done.  I remember publishing it and being scared to death.  I put everything out there in this body of work that was fiction and totally up to everyone's opinion about it, but something inside me told me not to care at all about any of that.  However, it is funny in a lot of ways how much it drives me crazy over the many errors in them. They are simple errors, too.  They are one's that I should have caught and didn't.  The great news!  This will all be updated very soon AND book 1 is going into its first ever soft cover print complete with a new cover and all.  They are limited editions and numbered.  It's crazy cool to think that MY books are going into print.  Sometimes I sit down and still crack up that it's happening.  It's surreal and a feeling I wish that I could express.