Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live Your Best Life: Step 2

Once you get through the understanding that you are indeed responsible for everything you have done, decided and are in this life, before today, the next step is to define your purpose.  Doesn't that word feel astoundingly big in a Godzilla-is-eating-the-city way?  Purpose.  It sort of sits there and you think to yourself, "I don't effing know what my purpose is.  That's what I have you for".  Yes, I've heard that a lot!  When you think about "your purpose" it feels sort of suffocating to some.  It did for me.  Well, that was until I realized that your purpose is actually quite simple, but what you do with it can evolve over time.  Once you understand that, finding your "purpose" doesn't seem all that terrible, restricting and defining.  However, once you understand your purpose it actually is the best thing you can know about yourself.  It helps to provide direction and get you well on your way to living a life that is more aligned with your soul.   At first it feels scary to reveal that side of yourself, but then it is a freedom and once you start using it your life seems to fall into place so much easier than you ever thought was possible.  One of the even greater parts?  When you act with your purpose the world benefits, too, because you automatically and without thought will help others.


You were born with this really great ability to know if you are on track with your life or not.  Want to know what that is?  It's one word.  Joy.  You will know if you are off track with your purpose by the amount of joy that you are experiencing.  The things that bring you the most joy are aligned with your purpose.  How freakin great is that?  It's not some fufu stuff either.  It's the real deal.  It's true!  Let's go over a few exercises to try and hone in on your purpose.

1.  Make a list of the times that you felt the most joyful and alive.
2.  What are the common elements of these experiences?
3.  Can you figure out a way to make a living doing these things?

These are exercises that I DO use in helping my clients.  The best part of meeting with my clients?  When they walk in wanting one thing only to figure out that all this time they weren't aligned with their purpose and had really wanted something else.  They leave feeling baffled and free at the same time.  I usually sip on wine and smile as I watch them go with thoughts swirling around their head like someone just beat them with a knowledge stick, and a whole new world has just opened to them.


1.  List two of your unique personal qualities such as enthusiasm and creativity.  When I had to do this very thing I listed Empath (I totally am!) and No-nonsense Lifestyle.  If you have trouble, think of what your friends would say about you if they were asked.

_____________________________ & _______________________________  You can list more than 2, but for some it can be hard to do even that!

2.  List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities with others, such as to support and inspire.  I listed writing and empower.

_______________________________ & _________________________.

3.  Assume the world is perfect right now.  What does it look like?  How is everyone interacting with each other?  What does it feel like?  Write your answer in the present tense as if it was happening right now as a statement, as you see it and feel it.  Example:  Everyone is freely expressing their own unique talents.  Everyone is working in harmony.  Everyone is expressing love.

4.  Combine the 3 prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.  Example:  My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and creativity to support and inspire others to freely express their talents and in a harmonious and loving way.

Once you have determined your life purpose, write it down and keep it somewhere that you can see it every day.  When you get up in the morning remember it and say it to yourself.  Doing this starts to reprogram your brain back to where it belongs; on task with your soul.  For a very long time many of us have been programmed to believe we are to do things "this way" or we get caught up in apathy.  Apathy is easy to do when that is all you know and especially if you have had trouble creating and completing goals.  Keeping a statement of your purpose with you and around you where you can see it, and repeating it to yourself, will start to remove the mask that you have worn for more than likely your entire life.  Before you know it, you will have synchronicities that I call "pings" start to show up in your life and you will automatically know this is on task with your purpose.  Again, I know it sounds fufu, but it happens and when it does it ain't so fufu anymore, so trust me.  You will go from having no purpose, to writing down a purpose, using it as a mantra, and then things will start to show up in your life that are undoubtedly for you and a nudge from the Universe telling you "you did it!  You came back".  You will then call me or email me and say I was right, and I will sip my wine and smile again.  Maybe my next goal needs to be not drinking so much wine.  Nah!  Can't be.  That's just crazy talk.

Til next time!

Info about Skinny Fiber:  Weight loss is my goal!

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