Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You're a Life Coach and you peddle Skinny Fiber

I always love those statements.  Sometimes, instead, it comes out as a question like a test.  I'm not phased.  Why?  Because most of my clients say the same thing, "I want to lose weight.  I feel like if I can FINALLY lose some weight I can do ____".  I know what that feels like.  I was there in their very shoes.  However, my first course of action is never "well take this product".  Some of my clients need it and some of them don't.  When I sit down with them and go over their goals, I try to go deeper into what really prevents them from doing things and I try to work on that first.  Most every time that very problem, when you get to the root of all evil, is worth and fear.  Every single time.  It's actually all our number 1 problems.  Otherwise, we would not get stuck.  We would move forward without a blink of an eye courageously.  Once I work on those issues, whatever they may be, I try to decipher what it is that they have already tried and what they are willing to do.

I want to be pretty clear and blunt.  3 of the 5 people that I'm coaching right now for weight loss and worth issues have come to me as a last resort before surgery.  They have been very beat down by the process of losing weight coupled with feelings of the inability to actually lose weight, because they have tried and failed over and over again.  It is really about them and what has happened.  I know all too well exactly how they feel, because I am absolutely 100% addicted to food.  Food is my crack.  It does not make a bit of difference that I'm a life coach at all, because food is a "thing" that has been very hard to overcome for a myriad of reasons until the last year when I finally did find Skinny Fiber.  It was then that I was able to see some success and to finally feel like my cravings were taken away.  I am very honest about my issues with food and my chronic fight with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  I do NOT and have never put my name on anything like this before.  Because I have been successful in losing weight and breaking the cycle, is why I decided to get involved with that company even before I became a life coach.  Even then, I had my friends try it after me and they too had success and we were able to support each other.

Issues with food are extremely difficult to get over.  I've even read in some places that it is the equivalent to getting off of heroin.  There are times when we simply need help and have to be willing to ask for help long enough for us to get out of our way.  It comes from a place of desperation.  When you are able to have the constant cravings stop and then are able to stick with a new diet regimen which then leads to seeing successful results?  It's such an amazing thing.  It finally gives you some hope.  Skinny Fiber for many people puts a wrench into the cycle so that a new cycle can take place.  Not everybody will need it.  Not everyone will want it.  I never shove it down anybody's throat whatsoever, but I offer it as a tool if they want to try it given where they are at in their journey.

1 out of 3 people are considered obese in this country now.  1 out of 3!  That's mind boggling and that is a lot of people out there beaten down and saddened that they can't get control of their cravings and have any will power.  That can be an endless cycle of torture for so many and I know, because I was one.  Truth be told, if it wasn't for Skinny Fiber I don't know that I would've gotten out of my own way.  Before I threw my scale out after losing 12 lbs. in my first month, I knew I was onto something.  I had a whole lot to live for and I had skills to really and truly help other people.  I was always fixing other people's lives for them in clear effective ways and Skinny Fiber gave me the tools to do the very thing for myself that I was so ashamed I could not do for years.  Consequently, because of that, I was able to start to follow my dream of doing exactly what I am doing now.

Do I coach all people related to weight loss?  No.  I have two other clients who want to write their first cookbook and How-To guide, and one wants to open his first ever small business working in graphic design with a trip to Africa.  Sometimes, the goals are very different, but it seems that I attract people to me who were just like me, fighting the good fight against food.  The results have been amazing.  I have never been so blessed in all of my life to be a part of watching others succeed!  I also never knew that I could be so happy getting up every single day to do a job that doesn't feel like work and I owe all of that to Skinny Fiber.  It became my business and allowed me to grow a new one (life coaching) where I get to help others every single day.  Life does not get any better than that.

Need help in setting goals and reaching them?  Contact me!

Want information about Skinny Fiber?  I got you.  I want to change my life today

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