Saturday, May 2, 2015

Skinny Fiber

I am asked a lot in my personal life how I have been losing weight.  Yes, Skinny Fiber is what started all of this for me, however, it is not the only thing it has done for me.

Let me explain this first.  I had been gaining a lot of weight over the last 3 years.  I can even tell you how much, 40 lbs.  It is a lot of weight on my frame.  I could feel every last ounce of it, too.  Somehow, on Facebook, I ended up following  a woman who had all of these crazy recipes and it happened to be that she was using Skinny Fiber.  I did look.  Curious minds, and all.  And truthfully?  I thought it was an absolute scam.  hahahaha I really did.  I brushed that off instead of listening to my gut.  I didn't look back into it for 2 more months.  My IBS was killing me.  I was getting heavier and my bowel function was awful.  Anyone with IBS knows how that works, I don't even need to explain it.  I was bloated all of the time and it was painful to eat 90% of the time.  I couldn't take it anymore.  My doctor suggested that I take digestive enzymes and to change up my diet.  Digestive enzymes sounded like a lab experiment and changing my diet felt like torture, but it needed to be done.  And then?  That lady's site popped back up and she was yet again talking about Skinny Fiber.  This time I looked at it again and it had not only fiber in it, but digestive enzymes.  It had exactly what my doctor was telling me to use, so I ordered it.

By the end of the first week I had lost 7 lbs.  I was shocked.  I did not change up my diet much at all and I didn't even notice at the time, which is shocking, that my IBS symptoms were disappearing.  I wasn't bloated or backed up!  Like whaaaaa?, is what I said to myself.  I kept taking it just like it says to on the bottle.  I managed to lose 12 lbs. in one month.  However, I also changed up my diet slowly because truth be told, I didn't want the junk food at all anymore.  I wasn't craving junk at 10 at night when I was lying in bed, either.  It was helping me to systematically stay on a good diet and because I was losing weight, it was helping me stay motivated to continue.  I had to ditch my scale though, because it was driving me nuts.  I realized that I was getting on that thing entirely too much and it was driving me crazy.  So I threw it out.  What I can say is that I am still losing weight, my diet is getting better and better, I am starting to exercise daily now, and I have yet to have any issues with my bowels.  So for that?  It is worth its weight in absolute gold.  I have finally put on a pair of jeans for the first time that I was unable to wear in over a year.  It's great.

I never thought a product like this could change my life and it has.  For me to say that is a big thing.  It really is.  I'm not a person to believe in these products at all.  Well, I didn't used to be.  I thought "you have to work really hard and eat like a rabbit, run a million miles per week and that is who you lose weight".  It was daunting.  I now know that I don't have to suffer and that this product has helped me regain my life.  The little "win's" I have been experiencing with not only weight loss, but with feeling great again, free of IBS symptoms, has been a great motivation.  I only wish that I didn't wait so long to do it.

You can order here & start your 90 day Challenge!  What do you have to lose?  If it doesn't work you can return the product for a full refund, but don't you deserve to give yourself 90 days to become who you always wanted to be?  The time is going to pass anyway.  :-)  Plus, you will have me as your coach!  Free!

Click here to get started!  Yes, I want to change my life in 90 days

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